Extended Hours - The Pit will be open until 8:15pm this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday, March 30th the Pit will resume normal hours and close at 8pm.

Terms to Know

Meal Swipes

Designated amounts of meals at Residential Dining Halls on campus. These can be used at The Pit, North Dining Hall Hilltop Market, and the Magnolia Room

Old Gold Swipes

Feel like switching it up from the dining halls today? That’s what Old Gold Swipes are for! They are pre-designated combo meals at all restaurants, retail, café, and coffeehouse locations. They give you convenience when you’re in a hurry and variety & flexibility when you want something other than the dining halls! We have selected popular menu items paired with sides and a drink at all of our retail locations. For example, an old gold swipe can get you a 6 inch sub, chips, and a drink at Subway. Old Gold Swipes can also be used to enter our residential dining halls just like a regular Meal Swipe! Old Gold Swipe amounts are included in your total meal swipes, not additional to your meal swipes.

Food Dollars

Food Dollars are like a gift card for food on campus! They are accepted at residential dining halls, retail locations, cafes, coffeehouses, restaurants, and convenience stores on campus. This is when you want a snack or a meal that is not on our old gold menu at retail locations! You can add additional food dollars at Reynolda Hall Room 12, between 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday or at dining.wfu.edu anytime during the year! All Food Dollars roll over to spring semester as long as you have a meal plan and will expire at the end of the school year.

All funds and plans purchased for use in Deacon Dining are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. Meals may not be bought or sold. The Deacon Dining funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate.

Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all Deacon Dining funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the end of the school year.