Harvest Table Building Community Day

Transforming Grass into Greenery, Together!

This year during the annual Harvest Table “Community Day” on May 2nd, Deacon Dining staff saw a remarkable convergence of community spirit as employees from Deacon Dining, alongside volunteers from The United Way of Forsyth County’s Partnership for Prosperity program, Campus Kitchen, and Salem College and Academy, joined hands to embark on a transformative mission. Together, they turned an empty grass lot into a vibrant community garden, poised to nourish forty local families in Winston-Salem. In the span of a single afternoon, the collective effort of dedicated volunteers yielded impressive results:

  • Garden Bed Creation: Four garden beds sprung to life, brimming with roses and shrubs, promising a colorful and fragrant landscape for the community to enjoy.
  • Planters and Saplings: Five sturdy metal planters were meticulously built and filled with herbs and vegetable saplings, laying the groundwork for a bountiful harvest to come.
  • Enhanced Amenities: Two sleek metal park benches were installed, providing a welcoming space for residents to relax and soak in the beauty of the garden oasis.
  • Environmental Stewardship: A new tree was ceremoniously planted, symbolizing a commitment to environmental sustainability and the growth of community bonds.
  • Encouraged Success in the Youth: While taking a break from the hot day under the sun, Deacon Dining employees assisted the Partnership for Prosperity program in creating bookbags for local k-12 students in the area who had completed a computer certification course. This program was able to bring students a laptop, new bookbag, computer mouse, flash drives, headphones, and reading materials.
  • Culinary Delights: To celebrate the day’s accomplishments, volunteers and community members were treated to a delicious Deacon Dining catered dinner, fostering camaraderie and gratitude among all participants.

Community Impact: The impact of this collective endeavor extends far beyond the physical transformation of the grass lot. By coming together with a shared purpose, volunteers have sown the seeds of empowerment and unity within the Winston-Salem community. The newly established garden not only promises to provide fresh produce but also serves as a testament to the power of collaboration in fostering positive change.