Missing your meals on campus? Worry not! Meal plans will be active again and ready to use starting this Saturday, January 11th!


why we reuse

Deacon Dining is proud to support and encourage environmentally conscious habits on campus, and the new, reusable Green To-Go is part of our ongoing effort to reduce waste from single-use products. Replacing single-use compostable to-go boxes with Green To-Go’s eliminates the resource and energy costs associated with processing tens of thousands of single-use containers annually and avoids the additional concern of improper disposal contributing to landfill waste.

Where do the compost bags go?

Compostable material from Wake Forest University is sent to Gallins Family Farms for composting.

Grubhub Pickup

Grubhub x Deacon Dining

By the click of a button, you can quickly order Grubhub Pickup from several of our dining locations including Village Juice, Shorty's and Zick's. You can also have your groceries delivered from the 336 Market through Grubhub. Click here to watch a quick and easy video that provides a step-by-step walk through of ordering through Grubhub.